BRICK & STONE MASONRY | Covering All Maine
A stone path is a great element to use to tie in your outdoor landscaping. Patios are great focal pieces for your yard and entertaining space.
Stone can provide you with an incredibly soft feel. Whether you are adding work to your patio or fireplace, stone offers an incredibly modern yet archaic look.


Maine Chimney Build and Repair
Topsham, ME: We offer a vast selection of stone or brick fireplaces. We have a unique ability to match each fireplace to the particular living room setting. We all know how much you enjoy your fireplace. We also know how frustrating it can be when your chimney shaft or flue is experiencing issues. Please, allow us to help, our chimney builders to properly assimilate the size and the width of the chimney to the pitch and style of your roof.
Do you want the entrance to your yard to stand out? Need something different to spice up your residence?
Stonewalls or entrance ways are an excellent way of doing so.
We encourage you to set up a consultation with our staff to better understand all the different hardscape options we can offer for your yard.


Summertime has arrived and you’ve had enough of sitting indoors. You want an intimate, yet accessible space outside of your house. Our professionals can assist you with that. Without having to travel to the nearest state park, a deck is an excellent way to experience the great outdoors. Whether you want to catch some sun or have your friends over for a barbeque, we’ve got you covered. Check out some of our work by visiting the PATIOS section under the Our Work Page.
Seawalls are vertical or near vertical shore-parallel structures designed to prevent upland erosion and storm surge flooding.
The many types of sea wall in use today reflect both the varying physical forces they are designed to withstand, and location specific aspects, such as local climate, coastal position, wave regime, and value of landform. Sea walls are hard engineering shore-based structures which protect the coast from erosion.


Retaining walls can be arranged to create flower beds or even levels in a sloped backyard. Retaining walls are a great way to make your landscape unique, extending your home’s beauty to the rest of the property.
A more practical benefit of retaining walls are their role in preventing soil erosion and protecting your home from its effects. They prevent downslope movement and retain the soil by providing a level of support. This helps protect your property from the destruction and the flow of groundwater to your basement.